
Nextcloud's logo

Nextcloud is a file hosting service, many applications can be installed to offer it new features such as a calendar, a directory, notes and many others (you can find some applications in the third-party applications part but there are many others depending on your needs).

Discovering the Nextcloud environment

Due to the creation of Nextcloud, a database with third-party applications to install, this chapter will only concern the nextcloud database without added applications. More information on applications in the dedicated section or in the nextcloud application catalogue:
Nextcloud is first and foremost a cloud service (like Seafile and others), it allows synchronization and file sharing on the Internet and between several terminals (computers, smartphone) but also with several people.

Mobile and computer client software

There are client software for all platforms. You can find them on the official nextcloud website:

Useful Manipulations & Problems Encountered

Add storage space

Solution I. allows you to add a link to a local or remote folder.
Solution II. allows to move the main storage space of Nextcloud.

I. Add an external storage space

Parameter =>[Administration] External storage.

At the bottom of the list you can add a folder (It is possible to define a subfolder using the folder/subfolder convention.)
Select a storage type and specify the requested connection information.
You can restrict this folder to one or more nextcloud users with the column Available for.
With the gear you can allow or prohibit previewing and file sharing.
Finally click on the check mark to validate the folder.

II. Migrate Nextcloud data to a larger partition

Note: The following assumes that you have a hard disk mounted on /media/storage. Refer tothis article to prepare your system.

Note: Replace nextcloud with the name of its instance, if you have several Nextcloud apps installed.

First turn off the web server with the command:

systemctl stop nginx  
Choice of location

Case A: Blank storage, exclusive to Nextcloud

For the moment only root can write to it in /media/storage, which means that NGINX and Nextcloud will not be able to use it.

chown -R nextcloud:nextcloud /media/storage
chmod 775 -R /media/storage

Case B: Shared storage, data already present, Nextcloud data in a subfolder

If you want to use this disk for other applications, you can create a subfolder belonging to Nextcloud.

mkdir -p /media/storage/nextcloud_data
chown -R nextcloud /media/storage/nextcloud_data
chmod 775 -R /media/storage/nextcloud_data
Migrate data

Migrate your data to the new disk. To do this (be patient, it can take a long time):

Case A: cp -ia /home/ /media/storage
Case B: cp -ia /home/ /media/storage/nextcloud_data

The i option allows you to ask yourself what to do if there is a file conflict, especially if you overwrite an old Owncloud or Nextcloud data folder.
To check that everything went well, compare what these two commands display (the content must be identical):

ls -la /home/

Case A: ls -al /media/storage
Case B: ls -al /media/storage/nextcloud_data/nextcloud
Configure Nextcloud

To inform Nextcloud of its new directory, modify the /var/www/nextcloud/config/config.php file with the command:

nano /var/www/nextcloud/config/config.php

Look for the line:

'datadirectory' => '/home/',

That you modify:

CASE A:'datadirectory' =>'/media/storage',
CASE B:'datadirectory' =>'/media/storage/nextcloud_data/nextcloud/data',

Save it with ctrl+x then y or o (depending on your server locale).

Restart the web server:

systemctl start nginx

Add the.ocdata file

CASE A: nano /media/storage/.ocdata
CASE B: nano /media/storage/nextcloud_data/nextcloud/data/.ocdata

Add a space to the file to be able to save it

Back up with ctrl+x then y or o (depending on your server locale).

Run a scan of the new directory by Nextcloud:

cd /var/www/nextcloud
sudo -u nextcloud php8.1 --define apc.enable_cli=1 files:scan --all

Update the YunoHost setting, so automatic upgrades and backups know where the datadir is located:

Case A: yunohost app setting nextcloud datadir -v /media/storage
Case B: yunohost app setting nextcloud datadir -v /media/storage/nextcloud_data/nextcloud/data/

It's over now. Now test if everything is fine, try connecting to your Nextcloud instance, upload a file, check its proper synchronization.

Nextcloud and Cloudflare

If you use Cloudflare for your DNS, which may be useful if you have a dynamic IP, you will most likely have authentication problems with the Nextcloud application. On the Internet many people propose to create a rule that disables all options related to security and Cloudflare speed for the URL pointing to your Nextcloud instance. Although it works, it is not the optimal solution. I propose, certainly to create a rule for the URL pointing to your Nextcloud instance but to disable only 2 options. So here's how:

Cloudflare Page Rules

In the Cloudflare control panel select your domain and find Page Rules the URL in your address bar will look like this:*/domain.tld/page-rules

Add a rule

The rule to be added must apply to the URL of your Nextcloud instance either:

  • https://nextcloud.domain.tld/** if you use a subdomain
  • https://domain.tld/nextcloud/* if you have deployed Nextcloud in a directory

The options to disable (Off) are:

  • Rocket Loader
  • Email Obfuscation

Save and clean your caches (Cloudflare, browser...) and that's it.

About Keeweb

The KeeWeb application is a password manager integrated into Nextcloud. For example, it allows you to read a KeePass file (.kdbx) stored on your Nextcloud instance. But sometimes Nextcloud does not let the application support these files, which makes it impossible to read them from KeeWeb. To remedy this, a solution exists.

Go to the Nextcloud configuration directory:

cd /var/www/nextcloud/config/

If it does not exist, create the mimetypemapping.json file whose owner is the user nextcloud :

sudo su nextcloud -c "nano mimetypemapping.json"

Then add in this file the following text:

    "kdbx": ["x-application/kdbx"]

Save the file (CTRL + o) and exit nano (CTRL + c).

Then run a scan by executing next command as root:

sudo -u nextcloud php8.1 --define apc.enable_cli=1 files:scan --all

Now the problem is fixed.

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