
Installer Minchat with YunoHost Integration level

Minchat is a free minimalist chat application. It is based on wojtek77/chat, itself based on Gabriel Nava's tutorial.


Screenshot of Minchat

Disclaimers / important information


The setup is optional. If you leave it as is, there is a single unnamed room, opened to all users. If you want to customize the access control, edit the file conf/setup.ini (if missing, copy it from conf/sample/setup.ini). The interesting parameter is auth that indicates which user is authorized to which room.

In this example auth = John:Game,John:Family,Mary:Game,Tim:Family,admin:*,*:Public,*:,

  • John:Game,John:Family = John can access the Game room, the Family room
  • Mary:Game = Mary can access the Game room
  • Tim:Family = Tim can access the Family room
  • admin:* = admin can access all rooms
  • *:Public = everybody can acccess the Public room
  • *: = everybody can access the unnamed room

Hints for users

  • The URLs you send are linked or transformed to images when preceeded by a !
  • If multiple rooms are allowed by the administrator in the setup.ini, you can have several tabs opened to different rooms in the same browser.

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