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Install WriteFreely with YunoHost Integration level

WriteFreely is a clean, minimalist publishing platform made for writers. Start a blog, share knowledge within your organization, or build a community around the shared act of writing.


Made for writing

Built on a plain, auto-saving editor, WriteFreely gives you a distraction-free writing environment. Once published, your words are front and center, and easy to read.

A connected community

Start writing together, publicly or privately. Connect with other communities, whether running WriteFreely, Plume, or other ActivityPub-powered software. And bring members on board from your existing platforms, thanks to our OAuth 2.0 support.

Intuitive organization

Categorize articles with hashtags, and create static pages from normal posts by pinning them to your blog. Create draft posts and publish to multiple blogs from one account.


Blog elements are localized in 20+ languages, and WriteFreely includes first-class support for non-Latin and right-to-left (RTL) script languages.

Private by default

WriteFreely collects minimal data, and never publicizes more than a writer consents to. Writers can seamlessly create multiple blogs from a single account for different pen names or purposes without publicly revealing their association.

Important information:

  • WriteFreely require a dedicated root domain, eg. writefreely.domain.tld

  • i386 architectures not supported

  • No LDAP and no HTTP auth supported

  • If User Mode is configured Multiple users, the app be used by multiple users

  • Additionals parameters can be configured in Settings / Admin settings.

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