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Install umami with YunoHost Integration level

Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics.

Getting Started

  • Install umami on dedicated domain (does not support subpaths!)
  • After installation the default user is admin with password umami. Change these as soon as possible!


To upgrade the app once a new umami version is available, simply run in a local shell via ssh or otherwise: sudo yunohost app upgrade umami -u

Migrating from 1.x to 2.x

Upgrading from 1.x series to 2.x is a multi-step process that cannot be automated. It involves:

  • Upgrade to 1.40 - the latest version in 1.x series. Intermediate steps may include upgrade to 1.33 (first version to use prisma for schema versioning) and 1.33.1 (which introduces breaking prisma change).
  • Running dedicated script for v1 DB to v2 DB migration
  • Upgrading to latest and greatest in 2.x series.

The script to perform this step is as following (assuming this is the first instance, named umami. If it's the second instance use umami__2 etc.):

# Install latest 1.x version from dedicated branch
$ sudo yunohost app upgrade umami -u

# Run migrations
$ cd /var/www/umami
$ yarn add @umami/migrate-v1-v2
$ npx @umami/migrate-v1-v2

# Update to latest version
$ sudo yunohost app upgrade umami -u

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