
Installer TiddlyWiki with YunoHost Integration level

TiddlyWiki is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript. It can be used as a single HTML file in the browser or as a powerful Node.js application. It is highly customisable: the entire user interface is itself implemented in hackable WikiText.


Screenshot of TiddlyWiki

Disclaimers / important information

Save your Tiddlers!

It is very important that you regularly backup your notes (tiddlers) locally.

  • Click on the cloud icon -> Save snapshot for offline use

To restore a local backup to the server, drag and drop your tiddlers backup file into your TiddlyWiki page.

¿Encontraste errores? ¿Crees que puedes mejorar esta documentación? Simply click the Edit link at the top of the page, and then the icon on Github to suggest changes.