Tiny Tiny RSS

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Install Tiny Tiny RSS with YunoHost Integration level

Tiny Tiny RSS is a news feed reader using RSS and Atom protocols.

Exporting/importing feeds

Tiny Tiny RSS allows you to save your feeds in opml format. In order to do so, go to Actions -> Configuration -> feed tab -> OPML section -> Export/Import OPML.

Android Client

You can read your feeds on Android using ttrss-reader application: ttrss-reader

To use it, you need to go to Actions -> Configuration, in Tiny Tiny RSS web interface and select "Activate API". Then, in your android ttrss-reader, fill the Tiny Tiny RSS server address: https://yourdomain.org/ttrss, username, password (no need to use HTTP authentication).

Note: you may need to uninstall and reinstall the Tiny Tiny RSS application through the YunoHost admin panel in order to be able to connect.

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