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Install Piwigo with YunoHost Integration level

Piwigo is a photo gallery software for the Web, built by an active community of users and developers.

Extensions make Piwigo easily customizable. Icing on the cake, Piwigo is free and opensource.

Screenshot Piwigo


In addition to Piwigo core features, the following are made available with this package:

  • Integrate with YunoHost users and SSO:
    • private mode: limit access to YunoHost users
    • public mode:
      • SSO for YunoHost users
      • allow other users management, and guest mode
  • Allow one YunoHost user to be the administrator (set at the installation)

Customer Applications

Application name Platform Multi-account Play Store F-Droid Apple Store Other
Piwigo Android / iOS ? Playstore - Piwigo Piwigo - F-Droid App Store - Piwigo
digiKam GNU/Linux / macOS / Windows ? digiKam Download
Shotwell GNU/Linux ? Install Shotwell

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