
Installer Nitter with YunoHost Integration level

Nitter is a free and open source alternative Twitter front-end focused on privacy and performance. Inspired by the Invidious project.


  • No JavaScript or ads
  • All requests go through the backend, client never talks to Twitter
  • Prevents Twitter from tracking your IP or JavaScript fingerprint
  • Uses Twitter's unofficial API (no rate limits or developer account required)
  • Lightweight (for @nim_lang, 60KB vs 784KB from
  • RSS feeds
  • Themes
  • Mobile support (responsive design)


Screenshot of Nitter

Disclaimers / important information


This app requires a dedicated root domain.

Nitter config file is stored in /var/www/nitter/nitter.conf (for the first instance, subsequent installs will go in nitter__2, nitter__3, etc). Users can override the defaults and set custom settings at https://instance-domain.tld/settings.

:red_circle: Antifeatures

  • Non-free Network Services: Promotes or depends entirely on a non-free network service.

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