
logo of Galette

Installer Galette avec YunoHost Integration level

Galette is a membership management web application towards non profit organizations. This is before all a free software (as in free speech), community and free (as in beer)! Galette works on any web server that handle PHP.

Updating the application

Once you have updated the application, you must go to the installer page which by default is https://domaine/galette/installer.php.

Once on this page, a verification of the prerequisites is displayed. At the next step you will have to choose the type of installation: here Update.

Galette Update

It is at this new step, where the fields are pre-filled, that you will have to fill in the database password.

Galette Password

You will be able to find it by connecting to your server with SSH. You will have to switch to root and display the file in which the application password is located:

sudo su

cat /var/www/galette/galette/config/

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