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Install BlogoText with YunoHost Integration level

BlogoText is not only a blog engine but rather a portal dedicated to writing content. Indeed, the administrator interface offers, in addition to the traditional tools dedicated to the blog, an RSS feed reader, a file host and a tool to share links.

The advantage of this CMS is that it is very light and will be perfect to take care of the blog or news part of your website. BlogoText is written in PHP, runs a SQLite database and needs only 2MB of disk space.¹


  • Blog with comments and RSS feeds
  • Links sharing
  • RSS Reader
  • Images/Files uploading and sharing
  • JSON/ZIP/HTML import-export; WordPress import
  • Support Addons

Limitations with YunoHost

HTTP and LDAP authentication are not supported. The application is not multi-user.

¹ - BlogoText (fr)

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